
Minimum Alternative Tax – An overview of issues associated

Legislative history and intent Minimum Alternative Tax (‘MAT’), inspired by similar levies in the western countries, where the objective for introduction of MAT was to increase the revenue base, was first introduced in the Finance Act, 1987 by virtue of section 115J. Apparently, the levy discriminated between corporate vis-à-vis other entities – partnerships, sole proprietorships, […]


Foreign tax credit – A discussion from Indian context

Interaction of two tax systems, each belonging to a different country, at times results in double taxation of income – economic double taxation or juridical double taxation. Economic double taxation takes place when the same income is taxed in the hands of more than one person. Juridical double taxation takes place when the same income […]


Note on FDI allowed in LLP

The Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs (CCEA) has today approved Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms. The FDI in LLP has been permitted subject to the following conditions: -FDI upto 100% will be permitted with the prior approval of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) for the sectors falling under 100% automatic […]


Budget 2011-12 Highlights

Budget 2011 12-highlights View more presentations from nehasinghi12 ** Please note that the related slideshows at the end of the presentation will take you to another website, and the Propreitor of the Website is not liable for the contents whatsoever. ** For any queries relating to the presentation, please contact us. Author: Neha Singhi Contact: […]


FDI Regime: A investor friendly look

Introduction to Draft Press Note on FDI Regulatory Framework A striking and commendable move by DIPP: to come out with consolidated and comprehensive FDI Regulatory Framework. Foreign Direct Investments by non-resident in resident entities through transfer or issue of security to person resident outside India is a ‘Capital account transaction’ and Government of India and […]


Corporate Governance Voluntary guidelines 2009: A study

“Citizens never support a weak company and birds do not build nests on a tree that does not bear fruits” Minister Salman Khurshid quoted Arthshastra while introducing Corporate Governance Voluntary Guidelines 2009 (CGV Guidelines). These guidelines being recommendatory in nature, focus on fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility by Indian Incorps. CGV Guidelines are set of […]


Oral Tuition Classes

The contents on this page are meant for the Oral Tuition Batch of Group II Intermediate Stage of EIRC of ICSI. This is for reference of students of ICSI as mentioned earlier, and should not be printed, produced, reproduced for any other use. The content is provided in good faith, however there is no liability […]